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8 Rare Games at a Price That Can Make You Heartbroken

When you are confused about where to make money, there are some people out there who easily spend big money just on video games. Of course this video game is not an ordinary video game, but something that is so rare, and only certain people who still hold and want to sell it.

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Here are some of the most expensive rare games ever sold.

1. Nintendo Campus Challenge


Price: $20,100 or around Rp.263 Million

Why can it be expensive? In early 1991, Nintendo once held a video game competition on certain campuses. In this cartridge, players are challenged to get the highest possible score on Super Mario Bros. 3, Pin-Bot, and Dr. Mario in 6 minutes. After the competition was over, the cartridges from this game were destroyed, but one managed to escape and was found by Rob Walters, a game shop owner known for always having rare collectibles like this. And now this rare cartridge is in the hands of someone who has purchased it on Ebay for $20,100.

2. Nintendo Powerfest 1994


Price: $10,998 or around Rp.144 million

Why can it be expensive? Just like the Nintendo Campus Challenge, Nintendo holds a game competition where the best SNES players in America must get the highest score for the games Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Kart, and Ken Griffey, Jr. Those with the highest scores will be invited to the Nintendo World Championship II tournament.

There were 33 cartridges produced at the time, but most of them were returned to Nintendo for recycling. But just like the Campus Challenge earlier, one of these cartridges was found by someone named Rob Walters. This cartridge was originally believed to be the only one left, so a collector named Rick Bruns, who claimed to have participated in this tournament as a child, bought it for $10,000 in 2006.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that there is another cartridge that suddenly appeared in 2012, and has now been sold by a collector named JJ Hendricks for $ 10,988 via Ebay.

3. Air Raid


Price: $33,433 or around IDR438 million

Why can it be expensive? This one game is somewhat strange for Atari owners. This game has a blue case and has a “T” shaped handle which is very unnatural because all cartridges from atari games are black and are regular squares, and what’s even more strange is that collectors don’t even know that “Air Raid” is the real name. of this game because it is not written in the cartridge. Rumors say that Menavision only produced 12 copies of this game, and with this very small number, game collectors are fighting each other to have this one game.

But in 2010, a guy named Tanner Sandler sold his thirteenth copy on Ebay for a fantastic $31,600, he didn’t know at first that the game was being sought after by collectors until he read an article on

The fourteenth copy was discovered in 2012 by a man named Harv Bennett. Bennett saved the game from the ’80s and never touched it once. And after he checked, he realized that his copy had an instruction booklet that wasn’t in the previous 13 copies. Bennett eventually sold the game on GameGavel for $33,433.

4. Red Sea Crossing


Price: $13,877 or around Rp. 182 million

Why can it be expensive? In 2007, a new user on the AtariAge forum asked about a game he claimed to have bought for 50 cents in a store. The game is named Red Sea Crossing. The game doesn’t have a box, nor an instruction booklet, but there’s a label that says the developer’s name and number. their phone which is no. from the creator, Steve Stack.

Steve Stack found this forum thread and admitted that he did indeed make a game in 1983 and only sold it in limited stores. Stack said that only a few copies of the game were produced and he can’t remember how many were sold.

Hearing this story from Steve Stack, Atari fans began to look for the existence of this game until an auction occurred where the game was sold for $ 10,000. Hearing about this auction news on the internet, a shop owner named Travis Kerestesy and Roey Lebkowitz immediately changed the price of the Red Sea Crossing game that was still hanging in their store from $50 to $13,877, and yup… the cartridge was successfully sold on Ebay.

5. Nintendo World Championships


Price: gray version: $20,200; gold version: $26,777 or around Rp350 million

Why can it be expensive? This game is the same as Campus Challenge or Powerfest 1994, but this one is the first competition ever held by Nintendo. Without going into detail about this one because it is the same as the two rare games that I previously described. At the end of the tournament, the winner in each group is awarded a gray version of the game, and the gold version is awarded to the 26 winners of a contest held by Nintendo through the magazine. Nintendo Power. Because now only the winner of the tournament holds the game cartridge, of course the price will be expensive. One of these gold cartridges sold on Ebay for $26,677.

6. Stadium Events


Price: $41,300 or around Rp540 Million

Why can it be expensive? In 1987, Bandai released Stadium Events which at the time was one of the games available for the Fitness mat, a controller that was used by stepping on it. With this controller you are required to walk, run or jump to control the characters in the game.

Nintendo was intrigued by this concept and bought the copyright of this game and controller and re-released it as World Class Track Meet and Power Pad. To avoid confusion for consumers, Nintendo withdrew all remaining copies and destroyed them.

The game’s rarity made the box alone sell for $10,000 on Ebay, and the game itself sold for $41,300 at auction on Ebay.

7. Super Mario Bros. with “Asian covers”


Price: $25,000 or around IDR 327 million

Why can it be expensive? This one cartridge is basically the same as the Super Mario Bros cartridge. Ordinary, and even the content is also just a regular Super Mario Bros. game. The only difference is that the cover is installed “unique” and able to display Cantonese even though technically this is the NTSC (American) version. It sounds like such a small difference but still makes collectors willing to pay up to $25,000 on Ebay.

8. Gamma Attack


Price: $500,000 or around IDR 6 billion

Yup, you didn’t read it wrong and I didn’t make a typo either, this game is estimated to be worth that much. How rare is this game? This game is even said to never exist at all, the developer of this game Gammnation has developed several games for Atari, but rumors say that they have developed a finished game but never published it at all.

There is no evidence of the existence of this game, until finally in 2008, it was reported that there was a copy of this game in the hands of a collector named Anthony DeNardo. Seeing as he was the only one who owned the game, he without a doubt sold it for $500,000.

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