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Claim Free Game EGS Now Must Activate Two Factor Authentication First

Starting from now until May 21, Epic Games enforces new rules where they must register Two Factor Authentication to claim the free games they share every week.

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Reporting from the Epic Games page, this regulation was made to strengthen the security level of each EGS account owner. If users still insist on claiming free games without 2FA activation, they will be blocked by the notification page.

Epic is aware that this requirement will make the game claim process more complicated, but they ensure that this is nothing more than just providing protection to your EGS account.

Two Factor Authentication on EGS there are 3 types: Through application authentication, via SMS, and via email. You only need to choose one of the 3 options. For the activation page, you can visit the following page.

For those of you who are not interested in using 2FA or find the security feature to be complicated, this requirement will only be valid for 3 weeks. After May 21, the game claim system will return to the way it was before without the need for 2FA. The consequence of not participating in this 2FA activation is that your account is more easily hacked and you will miss this week’s giveaway and the next 3 weeks.

Also read other information related to Epic Games along with other interesting news about the world of video games from me, Muhammad Maulana.

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