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Now Squall Is Really the “Best Looking Guy” in Final Fantasy VIII Remastered

Squall’s face was clearer now.

Announced at E3 ago as one of the remasters of a nostalgic game that seems to be forgotten even though it has its own charm, Final Fantasy VIII indeed became the first version of the franchise that had the best visual appearance of its time. However, the character model that is not so clear makes it impossible to compare Squall’s handsomeness and Rinoa’s beauty in every cutscene. But it looks like it will disappear in the remastered version.

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This is explained clearly through the tweets of the official Twitter account Final Fantasy which makes Rinoa and Squall’s first meeting at a party at Balamb Garden a joke. Where Rinoa complimented Squall’s handsome face, which at that time had an unkempt model. Now, his face really fits the sweet girl’s description as the “best looking guy”.

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered will release this year on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Currently, the pre-order period for the American and European versions has official prices on the Play-Asia website, while the Japanese and Asian versions still don’t have official prices. You can follow the path of this franchise only on Gamebrott, including the reason Square-Enix decided on the remastered version.

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