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Playstation stopped all its ads on the Facebook Platform!

Sony Playstation, one of the biggest companies in the world related to the gaming industry, recently stopped all publications that are presented on Facebook and Instagram.

We are now officially on the platform Tiktok! Follow our Tiktok account at to find various information and our other interesting video content.

This movement is part of #StopHateForProfit, where Facebook has recently been criticized for its spread of hateful content and misinformation on its platform. Meanwhile, social media such as Twitter, and Twitch, have recently started doing sweeping related to content and streamers who spread hatred on their respective platforms.

In a news story, Playstation said that:

“In support of the #StopHateForProfit campaign, we have globally suspended our Facebook and Instagram activity, including advertising and non-paid content, until the end of July. We stand for working (and playing) together for good.”

This movement will be carried out by Playstation until the end of July. In addition to the Playstation, Microsoft itself is also rumored to have stopped all publications on Facebook during this month.

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