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Respawn for Nerf Lifeline in the Next Apex Legends Update

With other balancing of course.

Do the nerf legend that is currently popular in Apex Legends would obviously make the community have mixed feelings. This is because not all game players can play every legend.

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But what happens if one of the basic legends that is already included in the balance gets enough nerf? This is what Respawn will most likely do in the update Apex Legends next.

Through an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on ​​Reddit, Respawn answered one of CSKaay’s questions about their opinion of Lifeline. Developer Titanfall This explains that Lifeline currently needs to get further balance. At the end of the answer they explained that the developer would do a nerf for its passive ability, DOC.

According to live balance designer John Larson, Lifeline’s DOC is too powerful when used to resurrect teammates. He will revive with a shield that protects his “patient” from enemy attacks. This shield can also be used by the Lifeline to protect itself during fierce battles.

That’s why he suggested removing the shield. In exchange, they will increase tactical healing speed by 60 percent and a Lifeline care package with more useful items.

As of this writing, there is no clarity on when they will implement the nerf. Currently Respawn only has the greatest possibility in the Season 9 update which will be implemented next month.

Read more about Apex Legends or other Japanese and non-mainstream video game articles from Ayyadana Akbar.

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