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Valve Ensures Microsoft Flight Simulator Download Time Doesn't Affect Refund Deadline

Downloading Microsoft Flight Simulator requires a little patience. Not only the files you have to download are more than 100GB, but also the download process has to be done in the game. Even if you buy on Steam, you can only download the 500MB launcher, the rest must be continued in the game.

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A download system like this invites a negative response from players, many are afraid they can’t refund the game because the 2 hour limit specified by Steam is spent downloading files which will most likely be more than the refund time limit for many people. But Valve seems to have made a special exception for this game from Microsoft.

Reporting from PC Gamer, Doug Lombardi, VP Marketing from Valve explained that they are aware that if Microsoft Flight Simulator uses an in-game data download system, then the download time that occurs in the game will not be counted as “playtime”. Therefore, for players who want to apply for a refund because the game is not suitable or because of technical problems in running the game, their refund may still be received as long as their playing duration is indeed under 2 hours.

To avoid unwanted problems, Valve is currently working with Microsoft to improve the download system of this game.

Also read other information related to Flight Simulator as well as with other interesting news about the world of video games from me, Muhammad Maulana.

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