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Voiced by Mario Wins Guinness World Record After Voiced Same Character in 100 Games

Three decades of existence in the gaming industry, Mario has been faced with various character recreations. In the early games, he was made as a quiet character like Link, Mario’s character changes continued to occur until finally Charles Martinet was appointed as a voice actor. More than 2 decades into the voice of this Italian plumber, Martinet has now been awarded a Guinness world record as the actor who has voiced the same character the most.

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With the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Charles Martinet has now voiced Mario’s character exactly 100 times. He shared his joy on Instagram.

No other voice actor is as dedicated to one character as Martinet. This world record was made solely for his dedication. Although known as the man behind the voice of Mario, Martinet has also voiced several other characters such as Luigi, Wario, and Paarthurnax in Skyrim.

Martinet is active on Instagram outside of his work hours to talk to fans and share his experiences. If you are interested in getting to know this person more deeply, you can always visit his Instagram page.

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