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Watch Dogs Legion Hacked by Hackers, 560 GB Source Code Leaked

An irony, maybe that’s the most appropriate word to describe the situation Ubisoft is currently facing. Watch Dogs: Legion, a game that focuses on hacking, has just been hacked by hackers.

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This hack was carried out by a ransomware team called Egregor and has been going on since last October. Through the ZDNet site, the hacker group had threatened the publisher to release the source code they stole as long as they wanted to be invited to “discuss”.

Without this agreement nothing happens. Reporting from DSO Gaming, the source code with a total of 560 GB of data has been leaked online by Egregor. Now the source code has been spread across various private trackers for free download.

Nothing has happened since the source code was leaked, but with the stolen source code being widespread, modding will be made easier. With access to the source code, modders can create mods and make them accessible in-game without any restrictions.

Watch Dogs 3

Not only that, leaking source code can potentially lead to game piracy. Watch Dogs Legion has not currently been hacked due to implemented Denuvo protection. With the leaked source code, crackers could “remove” the protection from the executable file, allowing the game to be launched without any DRM restrictions, but that’s just a possibility for now.

Not only Ubisoft, Crytek also became victims of the same hacker action. Egregor has just leaked secret details about the next Crytek project including plans for Crysis Next (battle royale), Crysis VR, the new Ryse series, Hunt Mobile, Robinson 2 and the remasters of Crysis 2 and 3.

Ubisoft and Crytek have yet to comment on this situation, most likely because what Egregor is doing doesn’t really affect their operations and consumers directly, but we’ll see.

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