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What is Fanboy and Why Should You Avoid It

Have you ever surfed the internet and found fans who are very enthusiastic about something and sometimes don’t care about other people’s statements about other things / facts and still insist that their opinion about it is the most correct? If so, congratulations, you managed to meet a “fanboy/girl”. The word “fanboy” is most often used in the gaming community to insinuate and insult an individual because of their bad nature in that community.

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Before we discuss further, we must know first, what is a fanboy? Urban Dictionary and several definitions on other sites explain that a fanboy is a fan who is very loyal to a video game company regardless of whether the company is good or bad. But in my personal opinion, a fanboy is someone who is very arrogant and obsessed with a product/company, he will not care about other products/companies and will be very easily angered if someone else vilifies the product/company he loves.

Is it really that bad? Yes, in fact the image of the fanboy itself is very bad in the community. For example, some PlayStation product fanboys who say that the Xbox One doesn’t have as good graphics as the PlayStation 4, say other things like “It should be a PS4 exclusive, then it’s hijacked to PC” or “I’ve never liked PS4, the games are Japanese-Japanese anime, geez, I’d rather Xbox One games are more mature and fit my taste”. Some of these examples are words that are “generally” spoken by fanboys of certain products/companies in the gaming community. Sometimes if you fight it with various facts, they will protect it to the death. Even to the point of defending using delusions or unreasonable reasons without reliable authentic evidence. Do you remember the murder case committed by NVIDIA fanboy against AMD fans last February? That’s how bad a fanboy is in love with his dream product/company. Sounds a jerk? Yes, in fact it is.

Russian fanboy kills AMD fans

The use of the term fanboy in the debate also has its own manners. Maybe this is quite strange, but there is a kind of “rule” in the use of the term fanboy, especially when it is used for satire/insult. The use of the term fanboy in the wrong way, such as mentioning someone who has a different opinion with a fanboy without understanding his different opinion will make the discussion messy and will only end in a mere fight.

Then, what exactly are these fanboys “protected”? As the video from GameSpot states below that approaches this phenomenon through the science of psychology. Fanboy is basically not protecting the product or company he loves so much, but rather protecting himself from the opinions of others who deviate from him. Any negative information or opinions that contradict the fanboy’s stance will be accepted by fanboy as a personal failure. Making opinions that contradict him becomes a psychological “attack” for himself. This causes “self-protection” by fanboys from any deviant opinions about the product/company that he loves so much.

Is this fanboy-ism limited to a few individuals? No, fanboy-ism happens to everyone. Have you ever been angry and then insinuated the person who said DotA2, Nike, Android, Square-Enix, Capcom, CD Project RED or CSGO ugly because maybe not his taste or some other reason? If yes, then you are also included in the fanboy circle. Admit it, we’ve all felt it and sinned about it, myself included.

Then, how to avoid this despicable nature? The first, of course, is to open up and throw away our hatred for a particular product/company. Let’s look again at what are the advantages of the product/company, how they “change” the world through their vision/mission, how the product/company benefits others, etc.

Second, we must respect input and understand/study first the opinions of others who oppose ours rather than having to jump to conclusions like “I hate you because your opinion always contradicts me”. I’m not saying that you have to agree with every other person’s opinion against you, but we must at least accept and understand the input based on the facts he gave or you can study it further by looking for it on the internet etc.

Fanboy-ism is indeed a phenomenon that you should avoid because it has no use at all. Being a fanboy means that you become someone who turns a blind eye to some of the facts and opinions of others about the “idol” you laud. If you find someone like that without being able to accept input, or even facts given by other people based on existing data, then there is nothing more you can do for them. The debate will remain stagnant there, fanboys will continue to think they are right even though they are not, and you literally won’t be able to do anything. All your opinions will be bounced by the fanboy no matter what. The solution? Just ignore it, there’s no point in arguing with a fanboy who doesn’t want to accept other people’s opinions or even find out for yourself the facts from other people’s opinions.

What do you think? Have you ever met a fanboy? Or, are you a fanboy yourself? Or do you have another solution to treat these fanboys to be wiser in debating in their community? You can share it in the comments.

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