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5 Most Expensive Games on Android, buy auto sultan!

There are many ways to become a sultan in this world. In addition to having luxury cars and luxury homes, buying expensive skins and costumes can make you called the sultan in the game. Not only that, it turns out that there are several Android games that are quite expensive, with only a handful of features on offer. Well, here Gamebrott will provide some lists of the most expensive games on Android!

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1. Ball Games 3

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Most expensive Ball Game 3, as the name implies, is a simple ball game that is quite expensive. Priced at 5.5 million rupiah, this game doesn’t have the phenomenal gameplay that makes you interested in playing the game. It’s just a puzzle game made by Eupniox Games, with a fairly easy system to complete. What’s more, this game has ads even after you buy it.


2. Lousy Airplanes

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Interested in Flappy Bird? Maybe you sultans can try this game called lousy airplanes. This game brings the experience of playing flappy bird that costs your money. Valued at 5.2 million. This game has been reviewed by more than 300 people.


3. Word Games

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Have you ever played a word search game? Well, this is the game, unfortunately this game has a phenomenal price compared to the puzzles that you can find in your morning paper. This game developed by Vadaaa is valued at 5.5 million, and players must see ads to play the game. What’s more, this game has been reviewed by more than 100 people!


4. 2048

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This 2048 game is an abbreviation of a fairly complicated puzzle game. Where players must arrange and combine the same 2 numbers until they reach the number 2048 with limited columns and rows. How players combine them is a challenge in itself, and this game developed by RobertGames is only for sultan players because it is valued at 5.4 million rupiah.


5. Horror Games

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This horror game is a favorite among other sultan games on Android. Reviewed by more than 485 people, this game is valued at 5.2 million by its developer Gamezoneking. But this game lacks interesting gameplay, with cute graphics that are not scary. This game also has ads / ads that will be displayed even when the player has spent that much money.


Please note that the games above are Memes mere, developed by the company or individual to perform troll to people who don’t know. Players who want to try the game can wait while the developer gives the game free to the waitors.

In addition to the android games above, which mobile game do you think has the highest price but not?worth it”?

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