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Dev. Marvel Strike Force Caught Boosting Employee Accounts To Compete With Player "Sultan"

Boosting so that the sultan player feels “motivated” to top-up?

One term that is often buzzed around in a community of mobile games freemium or sorry we mean free to play is a player sultan/whale/p2p player. Yes, they are arguably the most instrumental in keeping a server from the mobile game durable all the time. Of course what we mean is that they always routinely set aside money to the developers as a form of their pleasure and gratitude for each game content that has been presented.

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However, their trust in developers is sometimes also prone to being misused by the developers themselves to make profits. If they (developers) take advantage of this relationship mutually, namely by actively providing additional content that is appropriate and interesting for all layers of players, of course this can still be appreciated by loyal players. However, what developers have recently done Marvel Strike Force instead it created a tremendous tension in the whole community.

FoxNext, as the developer of the mobile RPG game, has just created a new drama that involves themselves with the entire community of players without the exception of the “sultan” player. They have been caught posting an account under the guise of “creator content” to surpass the achievements of the players who have played the game competitively. And what’s even worse, the identity of the person being boosted turned out to be one of the employees of the game developer itself.

It all started with a post Reddit who explained that recently FoxNext released a content update that could be said to be enough to force the players to roll with joy, namely by increasing the level cap of each hero from level 60 to 65. The only way to increase the level of the heroes in Marvel Strike Force, is none other than diligently playing missions that can only be entered by using energy. Many of the players there, especially those including the sultan, were still having a hard time reaching level 61. However, suddenly there was one player who miraculously managed to bring most of his heroes to level 65 and topped a leaderboard list in the game.

Someone who has a youtube account Knightly Gaming finally uploaded a video game containing testimonies and explanations about why he could reach level 65? You can no longer find this video on his YouTube account because it has been deleted by the person concerned. However, you can see the clarification video which is about 2 minutes long via the following link.

Knightly Gaming in explaining the progress it has achieved

In short, he showed off his game achievements by having energy which at that time amounted to around 257,000, an amount that could be considered very abnormal for even sultan players. Then Knightly added that he got it because he worked as an employee at FoxNext. In addition to energy, the developer also gives him many items that can make it easier for Knightly to freely build the heroes he needs. Not to forget by explaining that the developer entrusts himself to become a content creator who is ready to promote the Marvel Strike Force game more broadly.

The problem is, Knightly has never revealed that he worked at FoxNext in the past. Plus also if he is currently playing on the public server of the game. In other words, he has directly competed with players who played Marvel Strike Force with difficulty through grinding or top-up. So he is noted to have topped a variety of PvP or competitive content from this game.

As a result, the entire Marvel Strike Force community was in an uproar. The name Knightly Gaming has become a lot of negative conversation in various related game forums. He finally re-uploaded his second clarification video on youtube where he corrected several things from the video that Knightly had deleted before.

Knightly corrected his status as an employee at FoxNext by telling that he was a influencer which is paid by the developer and promises that his name will be immediately removed from the leaderboard list. Even so, this is still considered not to solve the problem for the Marvel Strike force player community, because His name and role still exist in other competitive content, as in the mode “Flash” or “Arena“. So they also feel entitled to question the losses they get when PvP directly with a Knightly account.

The playerbase’s concerns about the existence of Knightly Gaming in Marvel Strike Force are indeed very well-founded. Plus at the same time, they are currently also criticizing the developers who have recently been stingy in providing content or appropriate rewards for all layers of players. On the one hand, it seems that this could be one of the unethical business practices, especially by exploiting the capacity of the top-up players in a push and pull through one “deposit player” and limiting the narrowness of casual players who want to enjoy the game. Finally, hopefully this kind of thing is not imitated by other game developers.

Source: Reddit

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