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Players Find Ways to Speed ​​Up GTA Online Loading Up to 70%

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Waiting for loading on Grand Theft Auto is a very annoying thing, not only the single-player version, but also the online. This is because the levels are wide. However, this player has found a more efficient way so you don’t have to wait for longer to load.

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A player named T0st found a way to speed up loading GTA Online up to 70%. It found that there was a single-thread CPU bottlenect while running GTA Online and the game struggles to parse or parse a 10MB JSON file. This is because the parser of the JSON file was not well-built by the developer.

He then explained that with his parser, he managed to reduce loading times GTA Online from 6 minutes to about 2 minutes. You can read more about it via the following link.

But for those of you who don’t want to read, you can visit the booster he has made himself via the following link. Before you download it, T0st reminds not to change anything in the game when in online mode because there could be failures and actually damage the game files or at worst get your account banned.

Read more about GTA Online or other Japanese and non-mainstream video game articles from Ayyadana Akbar.

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